Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Macbeth and the Three Witches

This picture represents Macbeth. He is a very mean, evil person and he wants to become the King of Scotland. He looks evil in the picture so that’s why I chose it.. he enjoys evil. For Macbeth negativity is like his form of positivity and he wants everything his way. That is why he wants to become the King of Scotland, so he can control everything under his rule. He kills the original King of Scotland but Macbeth is eventually killed. If you see in the picture, his eyes look evil which also takes part in my interpretation of Macbeth. He is an evil spirit with absolutely no kindness in him.

 This picture represents the three witches. I chose this picture because the witches too are evil and this picture makes them look as though they are. They are dressed in black cloaks and are standing together on this ugly day. This is when “so fair and foul a day I have not seen” comes in, which interprets into such a gloomy day but the victory is great”.  The witches like gloomy days and that’s why I thought this picture was perfectly put together for the three witches.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


To me ambition is the will to want to accomplish something, so you work extremely hard for it.  Ambition is absolutely something positibe but yes there is a dark side to it. You can get to a point where you just work too hard and could possibly hurt yourself or tire yourself out to a dangerous point. I feel ambition is a good thing if you can control it. Be able to have desire to do positive things and don’t overwork yourself.
If you knew you were going to get something, you wouldn’t work as hard to get it. For example if someone was told that they were going to live a very, very long life they would probably do stupid and crazy things still thinking they were going to live that long when in reality you are just ruining your chances of that happening.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Macbeth post 4

1.    1. In the beginning of the script, actor’s 1,2 and 3 (the Witches) say fair is foul and foul is fair which
    may mean that fair things are only bad and foul things are good to the witches. Then actor 4 exclaims who the heck is that?  Followed by actor 2 whom yells “Macbeth is coming!” Macbeth then says “the wheather is so terrible but the victory is so great, a day I have not seen”. Actor 3 then says “bow down to Macbeth who will soon be King” as Macbeth then says “since I am part of the royal family, I am eligible to be the King”. Actor 5 then says “have sex with me here” but Macbeth says “if it were done when it was done” and Actor 5 says “screw that nerve you have to say such a thing”. Then suddenly actor 4 tries killing Macbeth but it turns on him and actor 4 ends up being killed by the dagger. Actor 6 then says “fly good man, fly” to actor 4 who has just died. Then Macbeth says “blood will have blood” meaning evil will have more evil. The witches then say “I only look for trouble around me”.. Actor 7 then dies and actor 8 yells bleed, bleed poor country. Macbeth later dies.
2.       2. Two observations that I see in the script are that in order for Macbeth to be crowned King, he must kill the current king and another is that actor 5 is cheating with Macbeth.
3.   3. -  What does “out damn’d spot” mean?
- If Macbeth dies then who is crowned king?

Monday, September 12, 2011

What I Saw in Homer and Langley

While reading the book, one specific scene I was able to see was when Homer met the beautiful young girl named Mary Elizabeth Riordan. She was a piano student and world-traveling aid worker. While reading the book, Homer eventually finds a job as a pianist for movies.  His job was to be able to play a different song for different scenes in the movie. For example if one part was about Love then the tempo should have been nice and sweet. Then if a different scene was of anger the tempo should have been faster and more intense. Where Mary Elizabeth comes in is since Homer was obviously blind, he could not read the screen that said whether the scene was about Love, anger, etc. She would sit next to Homer and explain to him what each scene said. Instead of paying Mary Elizabeth in exchange for helping him, Homer gave her piano lessons. Mary Elizabeth lived with her Grandmother, an immigrated family with very little money so the “free” piano lessons meant very much to Mary Elizabeth. Homer actually ended up growing a connection with the young lady but he knew that he was much too old for this precious 16 year old girl. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Literary Texts

There are many reasons as to why we should care about literary texts, starting with the idea that literary texts are just so interesting to read. Books vary in idea for example one book may be about animals while another may be about Indians. Literary texts allow us to widen and fulfill our knowledge with different subjects and ideas for the better.  If for some reason we do not understand something, a literary text can help us to understand that idea in a much better way. For example if I wanted to know more about the idea of slavery and how that went about, I could look up a book that talks about nothing but slavery and this would help me grasp the idea. A Personal Learning Network plays a role in all of this because if reading a book does not work for you, you could always us the internet. A Personal Learning Network can help with your learning, answer your questions, and point you to new learning ideas. The internet is so unimaginably large and filled with much information and it can help you with just about anything and everything. A very helpful website that can help would have to be YouTube because it shows you actual videos of different things. YouTube not only allows you to look up videos but post your own as well. Being able to do so also allows you to help others if they are having trouble with something.