Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Letter to Santiago

Dear Santiago,

I think what you’re doing is extremely courageous.  Even after not having caught a fish in 84 days you still went out there to do the one and only thing you love. You have so much passion for the ocean and it’s serenity. I don’t think anyone else would do what you do. You grow a strong friendship with a young boy Manolin and he does not even care what others say about you. I think that he is also a great person and if it weren’t for his parents then he would be out there being strong and courageous with you. No matter how difficult it was to keep ahold of the fish you still did it. You had huge cuts on your hands but you still did not care.  Fishing is something you take pride in and no matter what other people say you still go out and do it. The ocean is somewhere you take to think and just relax, and that’s somewhere I believe we both connect. I absolutely love the beach and go as often as I possibly can. To me you’re a hero that did not deserve a lot that you got. You are so strong and now you’re gone. Well much love and rest in peace.

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